Lab 2 Self-Grade
Here is the gradescope link for this assignment: Gradescope Link
Here is the link to the solutions for this assignment: Solutions Link
Self-grade your assignment submission by filling out all the fields. To learn more about self-grades, how they factor into your final assignment grade, and how you should go about them, check out the course website.
Self-grade rubric
ScoreScore Description
0Didn’t attempt or very wrong.
2Got started and made some progress, but went off in the wrong direction or with no clear direction.
5Right direction and got halfway there.
8Mostly right but a minor thing missing or wrong.
10100% correct, with full effort and work shown. Complete work must be shown for full credit!
Personal Info
Your Berkeley Email (ex.
Self Grade Questions
Question Q1a: Piecewise Constant Signals (20 points)
Question Q1b: The Edge Detector as a DT Differentiator (20 points)
Question Q1c: 'Differentiating' Noise (20 points)
Question Q2a: Noise Reduction (20 points)
Question Q2b: Extracting Trends from Data (20 points)
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